
Come join the “Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants” Rally!

Affected by the earthquake on 11th March, the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant of TEPCO is suffering meltdown, the worst possible situation, in its reactors number 1 to3.
 This has become an unparalleled disaster, where high level radioactive materials have been released, following hydrogen explosions and the damages to the reactor buildings, into sea water, air and soil, contaminating the environment.

 Even two months after the earthquake, the reactors show no sign of coming back to control and the situation continues to be extremely unstable. It is feared that there would be immeasurable effects on the health and lives of not only the local residents and the workers at the power plant but also the future children yet to be born.

 We have always been aware that humans cannot live with nuclear. We are deeply regretting that even though we knew this fact, our protesting voices and actions against nuclear energy have been far too weak.

 We are determined to take actions for a “peaceful and sustainable society”, reconsidering our lifestyles that exploit nature and waste limitless energy, and focusing on natural energy. For that purpose, we set the following goals:
1. Cancellation of construction plans for new nuclear power plants
2. Planned termination of existing nuclear power plants, including the Hamaoka nuclear power plant.
3. Abolition of “Monju” and nuclear reprocessing plants which use plutonium, the most dangerous radioactive material.
We will achieve these goals in order to save our own lives, and fulfill our responsibilities to the future children.

We will hold the “Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants” Rally as follows. Please join with your friends and families.

Date: September 19th, 2011, Starting at 13:00
Place: Meiji Park, Tokyo (Five minutes walk from JR Sendagaya station, two minutes walk from metro Oedo line Kokuritsu Kyogijo station (Exit E25)
Expected number of participants: 50,000(There will also be a parade after the rally.)

Core promoters:

Katsuto Uchihashi
Kenzaburo Ooe
Keiko Ochiai
Satoshi Kamata
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Hisae Sawachi
Jakucho Setouchi
Takashi Tsujii
Shunsuke Tsurumi 

10 Million People’s Action to say Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants

The executive Committee declares 17th to 19th September as “Fukushima Day” (provisional title), and calls for actions nationally and internationally.

Please share information about your own actions. (Submission form to be prepared)

 Petition for the Realization of Denuclearization and a Society focused on Natural Energy 

English petition form(pdf)
■About the Petition Form■

In Japan, a personally signed petition is still more forceful than an Internet-based signature. Therefore, please print out the English petition form (pdf file) and send it to us by postal mail.

Here are some instructions:
1. The petition consists of two pages which have to be submitted together. Please staple the 1st page with the petition text and the 2nd page with your signatures together.

2. The English petition is addressed to the present Japanese Prime Minister. It is valid even in case the Prime Minister changes. When our organization will submit the petitions, we make sure that the legal requirements for a valid petition are observed.

3. Please send the petition by postal mail (fax is not valid) to the following address:
Citizens’ Committee for the 10 Million People’s Petition to say Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants
c/o Gensuikin, 1F 3-2-11 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062, JAPAN

4. The final deadline of this petition is May 31, 2012.

5. Some further notes:
 You can write your name and address in your native language.

 Petitions from foreign citizens living outside Japan are valid as long as the petition is addressed to the Japanese Prime Minister. In case the petition is addressed to the National Diet (House of Representatives) or the Upper House, petitions from foreigners living outside Japan are not valid.

 There is no age limit. Signatures from children are also valid.

 In principle, a petition has to be signed personally. In case of children or disabled persons, it is accepted if someone signs the petition on the person’s behalf.


  1. Let the sun shine and the wind blow and nuclear power stations close down before they do more damage to our beautiful planet.

  2. Each car must have an insurance. How is it possible, that Fukushimas damages were not insured? Who will pay all this, Tepco?
    What about an insurance for all the other still working nuke power stations? Why the japanese gouvernment allows these stations work without an insurance?

  3. Within the deep of my heart I wish that ALL PEOPLE can exist with natural-alternative energy, a free gift from sun + wind! Let us encourige our politicions to find the right decisions for our future! Light & Love to your spirit. Ruthild

  4. No Harrisburg, no Tschernobyl, no Fukushima at all. We want to life without nuclear power.
    Our power is nuclear-free and we will win.

  5. no more atomic-power ! the nature gives us better energies – without problems !

  6. We don’t need artificial nuclear power!

    Greetings with a warm embrace,
    Ellen Schlingmann

  7. Dear All,

    on November 26th I took part in the manifestation against the eventual nuclear waste final disposal at Gorleben, Germany, against which the German anti-nuclear resistance movement has concentrated within 33 years. With great delight we have welcomed the participation and speeches of two Japanese women from the Fukushima region. We were deeply moved by learning from them about their unexpected painful destruction of their former lives and future. We tried to express to them our deeply felt grief and tried to encourage them to continnue with their struggle against the Japanese official nuclear policies. We also felt honoured by their public participation in our manifestation as they gave expression to their solidarity with our own movement.
    Together we will overcome the worst ever mistake “our” politicians have committed.

    Christian Lehmann-Feddersen
    Hamburg, Germany

  8. Think the Children

  9. I wish you success, but it will take take more than petitions and protests to achieve your aims. The political system is not genuinely democratic, and because of this the will of the people cannot be realised within it. You can be ignored. I think you must focus on rebuilding democracy from the ground up, within a new organisation. This organisation can eventually become powerful enough to achieve anything it wants. Good luck to you.

  10. No Nuclear power needed in this world , it;’s about simple living..
    We have sun and water.. please look after yourself and everyone and everything !
    Thank you.

  11. ピンバック: Support Campaign – Denuclearization and Promotion of a Society Focused on Natural Energy – Japan « Intercultural Resources

  12. Nuclear plants and weapons are part of an old world that we have to quit…

  13. Hi,
    Is there some way to create an online petition? Maybe through Avaaz?

    That would seem the most efficient way to raise awareness and get many thousands of signatures.

    Good luck with the campaign, this is so important.

  14. I hope our sons will live in a wold without nukes .

    Best wishes .


  15. Nukes have to go farrrrrrrrrr from this blue planet~~~
    Le nucléaire doit aller loin de cette planète bleue ~~~
    Nuklear muss gehen weit von diesen Blauen Planet~~~

  16. think about the future of us and our children

  17. i love japan and i never been there but ilike the people because they are very friendly so please stop and stop nukes now.

  18. Even if the power plants were totally safe, or close to safe, there is no way to safely remove the waste unless we blast it into space. Which is also not safe. Ridiculous.

  19. Supporting Sayonara-nukes from Denmark!

    This is a chance for us to rethink the future of electricity supply.
    Not only in Japan, but around the world.

    Petition in Copenhagen has started!

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